




Results QSO

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 Hb9cvc + Hb9eou before departure 

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 Antenna 50 Mhz 

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 CVC test the cluster 

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 HB9CVC + a friend  

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 HB9CVC waiting to come to the PSK31 

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 HB9EOU make the first QSO 50 Mhz  

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 HB9HLV with her boyfriend Aimé 

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 HB9HLV a friend is HB9CVC 

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 HLV in the radio  

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 Hb9cvc the kitchen 

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 the sevice that takes garbage 

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 Ludo ill to return  

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 Olivier orphelien a passionate radio may be a future XT2 

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 they make the passage of cables 

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 unpacking equipment 

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 Antenna 50 Mhz to its first location 

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 food distribution 

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 the publicity from the artisan potter  

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 the first QSO for XT2EME 

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 children who come to greet the white! 

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 construction of the antenna Steppir  

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 small view from Steppir  

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 on the road to the orphanage 

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 a man who will help build the antenna and the passage of coaxial cables 

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 the dog is not much work 

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 at the exit of the airport with the director of the orphanage 

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 children listening to the captain order  


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